Representatives from branches of the United States military visited the Capitol Jan. 30 to give Utah legislators a chance to meet the men and women in uniform. President Stuart Adams personally met with and thanked many of the service-members in attendance.
Sgt. Amanda Erdmann, of the Utah Air National Guard, noted the importance of putting a face to the service-members who serve not only Utah but the United States. “It’s important for them to talk to us, so we can let them know what we do,” Erdmann said. “It’s also important for us to get connections, so when we need something, we know who to talk to. We are airmen for the state as well as the nation, so we also respond to the governor. The better we know governmental leaders, the better we can serve them, and the better they can serve us.” The government provides no small amount of help to the military; often, this help comes in the form of state tuition assistance for those enrolled or looking to enter military service. Senior Master Sgt. Mario Reeve, of the Utah Air National Guard, expressed his gratitude for, among other things, the funding the government gives them. “We show them where their money goes,” Reeve said. “We want to show them the value of the investment they make in us, and this is the perfect opportunity to talk to us directly.” Tags: adams, capitol hill, military, Senate President Stuart Adams, us military, utah legislature, utah senate