Be it hereby made known to all by the Utah State Legislature:
WHEREAS, an omphalocele is a birth defect of the adominal wall where one or more abdominal organs develop outside of the body. A large or “giant” omphalocele occurs when most of the liver and other abdominal organs form outside the abdominal cavity; and
WHEREAS, in the United States, approximately one in every 4,200 babies are born with an omphalocele and approximately 10% of those babies suffer from a giant omphalocele; and
WHEREAS, individuals like Ella Bowers, Winston Shafer, Ann Taggart, and Crew Cluff were born with a giant omphalocele birth defect; and
WHEREAS, children born with an omphalocele also frequently have accompanying heart and lung defects which further complicate their healing process; and
WHEREAS, following an omphalocele birth, families can often spend months struggling to find the best healthcare solutions for their children; and
WHEREAS, many individuals with an omphalocele diagnosis require numerous surgeries and other treatments delivered by dedicated healthcare professionals; and
WHEREAS, healthcare professionals, such as Dr. Stephen Fenton, Dr. Katie Russell, Dr. Eric Scaife, Nurses Gina Bogdanich and Makenzie Chappell, and Nurse Practitioner Tonya Duke, have helped hundreds of children with their omphalocele birth defects; and
WHEREAS, children born with an omphalocele have overcome incredible odds and live high-quality lives in spite of challenges presented by this condition; and
WHEREAS, today is recognized as National Omphalocele Awareness Day throughout the United States of America:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in recognition of Omphalocele Awareness Day in Utah, the Legislature expresses their gratitude for the dedicated service of healthcare professionals who have assisted children and families following an omphalocele diagnosis.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that individuals directly impacted by an omphalocele diagnosis are recognized for their strength in overcoming this birth defect and for their contributions to our state.
Tags: Birth Defect, Omphalocele